Tuesday, September 26, 2017

FBR Intro Show

Year: Various
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Intro
Group: Fucked Beyond Repair (FBR)
Code: Various
Music: Various
Graphics: Various
CSDB Link, Group:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
As mentioned in previous video texts, FBR rose quickly in the late 80's to dominate the US scene. This video is a collection of their intros, 32 to be exact, almost an hour and a half of video. Enjoy, and ... Keep It Oldschool!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"Farewell" By FBR

Year: 1989
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)
Group: Fucked Beyond Repair (FBR)
Code: Death Demon, Elric, Reverb, Ronski, The Last Dragon
Music: Charles Deenen, Deek, Jens Blidon, Reverb, Speed Demon
Graphics: Morrissey
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
A farewell demo from one of the most influential groups in the US scene, this is mostly a collection of their past intros. There's a lot of back-story as to why and how FBR decided to hang it up, but I will simply leave it as "internal conflicts". The core members went on to form the group "Intense". Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Public Enemy Intro Show

Year: Various
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Intro
Group: Public Enemy (PE)
Code: Various
Music: Various
Graphics: Various
CSDB Link, Group:: http://csdb.dk/group/?id=2008
CSDB Links, Intros (Not all are on CSDB):
D64: https://commodoresixtyfour.com/d64/pe...
Download: http://intros.c64.org/main.php?module...
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Here we have a linked video show of all of the intros from the group "Public Enemy" that I could find. Founded in 1987, this group didn't have heavy distribution channels in my area so much of its history remains unknown to me. Keep It Oldschool!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Abyss Intro Show

Year: Various

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Intro

Group: Abyss

Code: Various

Music: Various

Graphics: Various

CSDB Link, Group:: http://csdb.dk/group/?id=1530

CSDB Links, Intros (Not all are on CSDB):









D64: https://commodoresixtyfour.com/d64/abyss_intro_show.d64


Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Here we have a linked video show of all of the intros from the group "Abyss" that I could find.   Founded in 1987 by LongShot and Raster Blaster, Abyss grew over the next year to become one of the more influential groups of 1988.  Riddled by infighting, member-defection, and accusations of intro-ripping, the group dissolved in 1988.  Whatever you think of Abyss (I always thought they were great), there's no denying their influence in the intro scene. The sprite motion in #5 really stands out, but they're all gems.  Above, you will find links to the ABYSS page on Intros.c64.org, as well as a link to a D64 image containing all of these intros.  ENJOY, and... Keep It Oldschool!

Monday, July 31, 2017

XDS Intro Show

Year: Various

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Intro

Group: Exodus

Code: Various

Music: Various

Graphics: Various

CSDB Link, Group:: http://csdb.dk/group/?id=1521

CSDB Links, Intros:


















D64: https://commodoresixtyfour.com/d64/exodus_intros.d64

Download: http://intros.c64.org/main.php?module=showintros&group=149

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Here we have a linked video show of all of the intros from the group "Exodus" that I could find.  These span the group's entire run, from its early days as a fledgling import group, to its near-complete dominance of the US import scene.  As someone who got their start as an intro coder, intros have always held a special magic for me.  I can still remember seeing some of these for the first time, and even 30 years later the magic hasn't faded.  Above, you will find links to the Exodus page on Intros.c64.org, as well as a link to a D64 image containing all of these intros.  ENJOY, and... Keep It Oldschool!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Power and Passion" By Exodus

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Exodus

Code: Aggressor, Cult, Freddy Krueger, Vector, Wanderer

Music: Jeroen Soede, Jeroen Tel, Link, Rob Hubbard

Graphics: Aggressor, Cult, Freddy Krueger, Vector, Wanderer

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=136455

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This demo seems to represent an early split point in the group's history.  I'm not aware of any further demos from them, so I suspect that the focus shifted solely to importing/cracking over the course of 1988.  It's an interesting window into the mindset of the group at the time.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, July 17, 2017

"Generic" By Havok

Year: 1989
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)
Group: Havok
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
A very small concept demo. Reminds me of the movie "Repo Man" for some reason. Keep it Oldschool!

"Solo 3" By Warnock (Arson)

Year: 1991
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)
Group: Arson (see note)
Code: Warnock
Music: Warnock
Text: Warnock
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
5 pages of pure Warnock style, I really enjoyed this demo. Warnock has a truly distinctive musical style defined by overdriven percussion. This one comes from near the end of his run in Arson. Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, July 10, 2017

"Brain Damage" By Entity

Year: 1991
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)
Group: Entity
Code: XynamaX
Music: Micheal Hendriks, Moon, Replay
Graphics: Iron Bambi, XynamaX
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Short and to the point, the graphics are nice and the routines are smooth. The reflected scroller bit on the 2nd page was an inspiration for Drip/DLoC. Nice flippy DYCP on the last page. Keep it Oldschool!

"Pizza" By Venom and Havok

Year: 1989
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (single-page, single-file)
Group: Havok, Venom
Code: Eclipse
Graphics: Raster Blaster
Music: Rock
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
A single-pager co-op from members of Havok and Venom, there's nothing groundbreaking in this one, just a solid example of the demos of 1989. Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, June 26, 2017

"Tubular Bells" By Clever Music

Year: 1985
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo/Toy
Group: N/A
Code: Unknown
Music: Bob Hartshorne
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Another in the same vein as "Swinth", Tubular Bells was one of those demos that seemed to be on every other floppy. Keep It Oldschool!

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Year: 1985
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Wild (hybrid demo made by combining other productions)
Group: N/A
Code: Glen E. Bredon, Jim Winings, Carl A. Meahl Jr.
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Based on two earlier productions, "Swish" and "Synth Sample", this spread like wildfire in the mid-80s disk swapping scene. It was on a disk with "Hawaii Movie" and a number of other early classics - some of you may have picked up on that theme for the past few weeks :) Many of us old-timers have fond memories of those days, when every disk was a potential treasure chest of gems like this.
Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Year: Unknown
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Simulation
Group: N/A
Code: Unknown
Graphics: Unknown
Music: N/A
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Of unknown origin and vintage (the BASIC listing gives no clues), this is a simple simulation of an aquarium, complete with plants and a goldfish.
Yes. I recorded an hour an a half of this.
Keep It Oldschool!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

"Barbaric" By Hal

Year: 1987
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (single-file)
Group: N/A
Code: Hal (Not "Ron")
Music: Rob Hubbard (Not "Ron Smith")
Graphics: Ste Pickford
CSDB Link (original version):
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
This demo was distributed in the US in hacked form, with the original author's credits removed. As that's the version I remember, that's the version I vidcapped. Who "Ron Smith" was is lost in history. The demo is actually by Hal, who did a few demos centered around this effect. The music, of course, is "Knucklebusters" by the almighty Rob Hubbard, and is one of the best tunes to ever grace the 64. I used to watch this demo for hours at a time, it's just that awesome. Keep it Oldschool!

"Silicate Omen" By The Wanted

Year: 1991
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)
Group: The Wanted
Code: D.Rez, Megahurtz
Music: JCH, Link
Graphics: Biohazard
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
An interesting piece from The Wanted, a group out of Canada that I'd actually never heard of until I started capping these demos. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of their catalog. Keep It Oldschool!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

"Hawaii Movie"

The origins of this PETSCII masterpiece are unknown.  The BASIC listing doesn't give any insight.  I first remember seeing it on a swap disk on the C64 in the winter of 1983 or 1984.  Some say it started out as a demo on the Commodore PET.  In any event, it's a cute, quirky little production, only takes a few minutes to watch, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have over the years.  Keep It Oldschool!

"At the Beach" By Canadian Pirating Federation

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Canadian Pirating Federation

Code: Satan

Music: Demon, Matt Gray, The Sad Sausage

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=92020

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An early entry from Wanderer/Satan - could this be his original group?  The scrolltext suggests they're all locals.  An interesting look into the early days of one of the more prolific coders in the old scene.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"Show 'Em What Ya Got" Co-op by Forces of Evil and Arson

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group(s): Forces of Evil, Arson

Code: Elwix, The Phantom, Tiamat, Wrong Way

Music: Brandis, Drax, Henning Rokling, JCH, Jess

Graphics: Manfred Trenz, Omega Factor, The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27171

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I always liked co-ops, and this is no exception.  There are some creative routines in here (that twist-scroller for instance) that were way ahead of their time.  All in all a really nice watch, with some interesting group history from Tiamat in his upscrollers.  Keep It Oldschool!

Monday, June 5, 2017

"Grimoire" By Armageddon

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Armageddon

Code: D Cipher, Destiny, Stonefish

Music: Deek, Griff, Jeroen Tel, Sabre

Graphics: D Cipher, Groo, Stonefish, Topper

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=2967

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Coming right after the merger, the obvious point of this demo was to use up all of the remaining "Grimoire" graphics they had laying around.  A nice production, but the dir listing leaves one wondering what happened to part #4. Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"We Got Balls" By 215

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)

Group: 215

Code: Kraker Kidd, Warlord

Music: Deathangel's Shadow, JCH, Link, Reverb, Reyn Ouwehand

Graphics: Dutchman, Warlord

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11453

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

One of the most enjoyable thing about 215 demos is the extreme scene craptalking.  This demo doesn't disappoint.  There are some cool routines, nothing technically groundbreaking, but the pages have a really fun feel to them.  This would be a good party background demo.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, May 22, 2017

"Wait Up" By 215

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-page)

Group: 215

Code: Warlord or Dutchman(?)

Music: JCH

Graphics: Dutchman

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=97665

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small demo from 215, some great classic craptalking in the scrollers.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

"Cremation" By Evil, Havok, Venom, Lords

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group(s): Evil, Havok, Venom, Lords

Code: Eclipse, Sir Sid, The Forgotten One, Wanderer

Music: Deek, Falco Paul, JCH, Jens Bildon, Mixer, Stefan Hartwig

Graphics: Kickback, Morrissey, The Anarchist, Tyrant, Wanderer

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=44537

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A big multi-pager group compo, this demo doesn't dissapoint.  There's a little something for everyone in this one, DYCPs, giant scrollers, parallaxing, open borders, and a plotter!  Keep It Oldschool!

"Debut" By Incursion

Year: 1993

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Incursion

Code: Uzzy

Graphics: Uzzy

Music: Ben Daglish

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=143872

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

The first Incursion demo, soliciting new members.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Mag Factor 3" By The Douched Moose

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file)

Group: The Douched Moose

Code: Telephony

Music: Sequencer

Graphics: Telephony

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=43695

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Some interesting rasters, very interesting sprite routine on page 1, otherwise standard effects.  Great group name!  Keep It Oldschool!

"Birkenhead" By Lords

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Lords

Code: Doctor O, Reverb

Music: Eclipse, Reverb

Graphics: Morrissey, Reverb

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11152

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Another awesome Lords demo!   Morrissey's artwork really shines. Keep It Oldschool!

"Destiny Intro" By Guardian

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Intro

Group: N/A (Lords?, Destiny?)

Code: Guardian

Music: Source

Graphics: The Anarchist

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=65201

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A nice little intro written by Guardian for Destiny.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Robocop Demo" By World Pirating League

Year: 1987

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-page)

Group: World Pirating League

Code: Satan

Music: Red

Graphics: Commodore Convict

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/edit.php?id=13005

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An EARLY one from Wanderer, the first page looks like it's in BASIC.  Cool to see something from this early in the career of someone who produced so much over the years!  Keep It Oldschool!

"Into Oblivion" By Lords

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Lords

Code: Doctor O, Guardian

Music: Reverb, Sequencer

Graphics: Morrissey

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=32253

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

When I first saw that logo stretcher on page 3 (back in 1990), I was at a loss to figure out how they did it.  Another strong showing by Lords!  Keep it Oldschool!

"Out To Lunch" By Lords (SFW Version)

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file)

Group: Lords

Code: Doctor O, Reverb

Music: Reverb, Sequencer

Graphics: Morrissey

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11153

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Before I say anything about the demo itself, please note that page 4 has been CENSORED to meet youtube's community guidelines.  An uncensored version will be available on commodoresixtyfour.com at a later date.  Out 2 Lunch is a strong production from Lords.  Reverb and Sequencer soundtrack Morrissey's top-notch graphics, and the whole thing is supported by solid code from Doctor O and Reverb.  If anything could be said to be missing from the whole thing, it'd probably be a loader routine.  All in all, one of those demos that really stays with you.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, May 8, 2017

"Stetsa" By New Age

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: New Age

Code: Fantasy

Music: Jeroen Tel, Markus Schneider, Mike

Graphics: Fantasy

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=34324

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A follow-up to Fantasy World from 1989.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Fantasy World" By New Age

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: New Age

Code: Fantasy

Music: David Whittaker, Matt Gray, Red

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=34325

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Some interesting effects and claims from Fantasy.   I'm not sure that last page is quite the masterpiece of technical achievement he thought it was, even for 1988, but it's a good demo for it's time.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

"Tangerine Dreams" By Realistic

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Realistic

Code: Deaks or, No Sync

Music: No Sync

Graphics: Deaks

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11043

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Realistic was a group that produced at least two big names in the scene - Deaks and No Sync.  Further information on them is spotty.   Keep It Oldschool!

"Excess" By Tension

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, single-file)

Group: Tension

Code: Desire, Venus

Music: Flex, Sequencer

Graphics: Chaos

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=83883

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This was the only demo I could find by Tension, and information on the group is pretty thin.  Desire did at least one page for Legion, and there's some interesting info in the scroller about why he went solo.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Amethyst 2000" By Pure Energy

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Pure Energy

Code: The Punisher

Graphics: The Punisher

Music: Jeroen Tel, Jorg Rosenstiel, Matt Gray

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=58140

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Is it a demo, or is it an ad for a car?  Who knows - the scrolltext certainly doesn't help sort it out.  A solid example of first-wave scene style.  Keep It Oldschool!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Not Dead" By Zone 2

Year: 1996

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Zone 2

Code: Dungeon Master

Music: MHD

Graphics: Dungeon Master

CSDB Link:  http://csdb.dk/release/?id=30241

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small recruiting single-pager from Zone2.  Keep It Oldschool!

Monday, May 1, 2017

"Relax" By Arcane

Year: 1993

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Arcane

Code: AceMan, Natas, Prince Of Darkness

Music: Chris, Fozzie

Graphics: AceMan, Carcass, Prince Of Darkness

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=2965

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A nice little multi-pager with a really cool loader screen from Arcane.  There's a clever FLD/FLI page in there, a plotter scroller that's all but impossible to read ;), a guest page by Natas - check it out!  Keep it Oldschool!

"Dissention" By Axis

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page, rag)

Group: Axis

Code: Asmodeus

Music: Michael Hendriks

Graphics: Asmodeus

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=65369

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An honest-to-goodness rag demo, this small two-pager from Axis describes the beef between Asmodeus and Rick Hunter.  Keep It Oldschool!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

"The GORE Demo" By Elixir

Year: 1990?

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Elixir (GORE)

Code: Daredevil

Music: Drax, Jeroen Tel, Reverb

Graphics: Daredevil

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=64657

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An odd one from Daredevil with some pretty standard effects.

Keep it Oldschool!

"Art Of Noise" By Fatal

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Fatal

Code: Starlost

Music: Starlost

Graphics: Shadowmaster

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=94658

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This one has an interesting scroller font, and more color-changing controls than you usually find in a page.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Cancerous" By Fatal

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Fatal

Code: Starlost

Music: JCH, Jeroen Soede

Graphics: Shadowmaster

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=94638

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Some of the graphics look like they were repurposed from somewhere else, not sure where I've seen them before.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Spectrum" By Eclipse

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Eclipse

Code: Blackice, Mystik, Zapper

Music: Accused, BlackIce, Replay

Graphics: Blackice, Chaos, Shadowmaster, Zapper

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=56539

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A big multi-pager from Eclipse,  some inventive scrollers a la Electron.   Keep It Oldschol!

Monday, April 17, 2017

"Beyond Imagination" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Forces Of Evil

Music: Chris Huelsbeck

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27205

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I believe this is the earliest FOE demo that has surfaced.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Beyond Imagination 2" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Forces Of Evil

Music: Chris Huelsbeck

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27206

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Recycled parts from Beyond Imagination 1 - this stuff is clearly from when FOE was a 312 local group.   Keep It Oldschool!

"Maniacs" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: The Phantom, Wrong Way

Music: Drax, JCH, LInk

Graphics: The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=23646

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An earlier FOE demo, post-ripping-era.  You can just start to see their style developing.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Maniacs" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: The Phantom, Wrong Way

Music: Drax, JCH, LInk

Graphics: The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=23646

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An earlier FOE demo, post-ripping-era.  You can just start to see their style developing.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Euphoria" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1993

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: D-Tail, The Phantom

Music: Boogaloo, Brian, Danko, Defbeat, Drax, Jeroen Tel, Markus Siebold, Sabre, Sequencer

Graphics: Alter Ego, AceMan, The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=23645

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A rare FOE demo where most of the graphics are done by someone other than The Phantom and he really starts to focus on code.  Alter Ego's graphics shine, The Phantom's code is clever and creative.  This is one of the better demos in the FOE catalog.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Crypt" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (two-page bbs ad)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code; Dokken, The Phantom

Graphics: The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=13059

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This may have the distinction of being the only FOE demo with a cameo by Electron's Dokken.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Shocker" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: Elwix, The Phantom, Vindicator, Wrong Way

Music: Flex, JCH, Jens Blidon, Metal

Graphics: DIgital Optix, Icebyte, The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27090

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This one comes from the Elwix in FOE days - and some of his style is clearly showing in the routines in this demo.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Twisted Dimension" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (BBS Ad)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: The Phantom, Wrong Way

Music: JCH

Graphics: The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27183

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Another from FOE's early days as a 312 local group. Keep It Oldschool!

"FOE's Copy Party" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, single-file)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: The Phantom [See Below]

Music: Charles Deenen, Diflex, Red

Graphics: The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27180

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This is one of the REALLY early FOE demos where the pages are re-worked crack intros from other groups, included here for completeness.  This also happens to be video #  100 for this channel!  Keep It Oldschool!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

"Shadow" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Forces Of Evil (FOE)

Code: The Phantom

Music: Drax, Evony, EVS, JCH, Quan, Replay, Sabre, Sequencer, Softmaster, TDM

Graphics: The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27092

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

FOE does it again with this massive multi-pager.  There are some simple pages, and some not so simple pages.  Probably the highlight for me was page 6 - it requires a 128 to run, as its routines require 2Mhz mode.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

"Morbid" By Forces Of Evil

Year: 1995

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single disk side)

Group: Forces of Evil

Code: The Phantom, Paladin

Music: Arne, Chotaire, Eivind Sommersten, Flex, Kjell Nordbo,  Kristian Røstøen, Metal, No Sync, PRI, Sequencer, Trident

Graphics: The Phantom, Paladin, Alter Ego

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=8505

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

The video starts with a couple of noters that were on the disk.  If you don't care to read them, skip ahead.  First up is an intro page with some standard effects.  The demo builds, each page getting more and more complex, culminating in a CRAZY giant plasma logo flex thingy.  Amazing work for a two-man team.  The Phantom does it again.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, April 3, 2017

"Worst 4K Ever" By Electron

Year: 1996

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (4K)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Dokken

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=69773

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Electron's entry in the Driven 4K compo.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Adios" By Electron

Year: 1994

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Dokken

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=8499

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This was the farewell demo from Electron, when they left the scene in 1994.  Since then, they've released 3 more demos.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Eternal" By Electron

Year: 1996

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Dokken

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11752

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Electron's first major release after they retired in 1994.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Entropy" By Electron

Year: 2004

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Dokken

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/index.php?id=12080

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Truly some of Dokken's finest work. The juggler page still blows my mind almost 15 years later.  A must-see.  Keep it Oldschool!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

"Perplex" By Electron

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken, The Gambler

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Alter Ego, Dokken, The Gambler

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11742

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

The logo motion on the first page is mesmerizing, and they follow this up with a vector scroller page featuring the green guy.  The third page brings us a really inventive logo swing.  This is followed by a vector page, and then the end credits.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Saturn" By Electron

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken, The Gambler

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Dokken, Gambit, Stablizer, The Gambler, The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11751

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A slightly holiday-themed offering from Electron.  Watching Electron demos, the word "amazing" keeps springing to mind.  As always, inventive scrollers, crazy sprite motion, really cool ideas.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Grand Finale" By TheFatman

Year: 2003

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: N/A

Code: TheFatman

Music: Dokken, TheFatman, Wyndex

Graphics: TheFatman

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=9325

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A fun demo, afaik the last from TheFatman.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Cruisin'" By Shade

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Shade

Code: Streetkiller

Graphics: Slick!

Music: Necromancer (sampled/arranged)

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=8805

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A twist on the common theme of digi-demo, this one also has a pic and a scroller instead of the usual full-screen junk rasters.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"Muslix" By Oddity

Year: 1993

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Oddity

Code: Stonefish, Topper

Music: Drax, Image, Jeff, Sphere, Yankee

Graphics: Topper

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11726

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Another amazing production from Oddity!  Topper's graphics really make for a good show.   Keep it Oldschool!

"Blackout" By Storm

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Storm

Code: Cybernoid, Stonefish, The Phantom

Music: Danko, Drax, Flea, Line Noise, Link, Reverb, Ronny Pasch, Sabre, Scortia, Visage

Graphics: AceMan, Cybernoid, Fireball, The Phantom

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=28125

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

 A MASSIVE demo from Storm, there are officially 10 pages, a menu system, and an intro.  Keep it Oldschool!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

"Whimsical" By Oddity

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Oddity

Code: Stonefish, Topper

Music: A-Man, Geir Tjelta, Jeff, Link

Graphics: Topper

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=102282

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Somehow I managed to totally miss Oddity back in the 90s.  I had heard of Stonefish and Topper, but I'd never seen an Oddity demo.  Given the heads-up by French Hawk, I checked them out recently , and they're awesome!  Unfortunately, only TWO of their demos are available on CSDB as of 3/18/2017.  If anyone has more demos by Oddity, PLEASE upload them or send them my way.  Thanks, and Keep it Oldschool!

"Martyr" By Time

Year: 1995

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Time

Code: French Hawk

Music: Chotaire

Graphics: French Hawk

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=8503

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I remember seeing this one back in 95, and it got me really charged to do demos again.  French Hawk's logos are done in an interesting style - I think he could have made a go in a group just as a logo artist.  The concept of guest scrollers is interesting as well, lots of familiar names from the old IRC #c-64 on efnet in here.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"Battydemo" By Roy Batty

Year: 1994

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file)

Group: N/A

Code: Roy Batty

Music: Roy Batty

Graphics: Roy Batty

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=24644

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An interesting single-ish pager with some cool screen effects at the beginning and end.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"Quality Pages" By Suicide

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Suicide

Code: Kickback

Music: Laxity, Metal

Graphics: Kickback

Linking: Moloch

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27203

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

The pages all say Havok, but the release is by Suicide.  There's a story there, but I'm not 100% sure what it is.   Keep it Oldschool!

"TimeWarp" By TheFatman

Year: 1994

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: N/A

Code: TheFatman

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=9279

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This was one of the earlier things I could find by TheFatman.  Quirky and self-deprecating, TheFatman's demos have a simple,  honest charm you won't find in most first or second-wave productions.  There's a feeling of real authenticity to it - something lacking in many productions.  Keep it Oldschool!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

"Carcass" By Grimoire

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Grimoire

Code: D Cipher, Moloch

Music: Deek, Griff

Graphics: Carcass, D Cipher

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=2980

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I really enjoyed this one.  The plotter on the first page is well done, there's a cool minimalist logo there with a cityscape superimposed on it, and an interesting design quirk - grey background.  Then on to the second page - not a complex page, but look at how well he leveraged that text effect.  This two-pager is a must-see!  Keep it Oldschool!

"The Black Genesis" By Grimoire

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-page BBS Ad)

Group: Grimoire

Code: D Cipher, Pseudo Dragon

Music: Page

Graphics: D Cipher

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=2982

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small BBS ad for "The Black Genesis BBS" - the flicker is organic. I tried a number of different VIC settings before finally concluding that the coders must simply have had a monitor with a narrow border. Keep it Oldschool!

"Merger" By Armageddon and Grimoire

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group(s): Armageddon, Grimoire

Code: Moloch

Music: Cane

Graphics: Fourbee

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=23655

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small noter that explains the merger details between Armageddon and Grimoire.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"Quality" By Havok

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Havok

Code: Father Time, Sir Sid, The Forgotten One

Music: Drax, EVS, Jadawin, Jeroen Soede, Link, MacMagix, Steel

Graphics: Kickback, The Anarchist, The Forgotten One

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=44543

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Wow, what to even say about this one - I really wish I could find all of the missing pages.  It's a huge multi-filer from Havok, with the caveat that these were the pages that were finished.  There are some great routines here - including the world's most tedious scroller.  Enjoy the show.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, March 6, 2017

"Psychotic Reaction" By Slaughter

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Slaughter

Code: The War Criminal

Music: Francois Prijt, Ronny Pasch

Graphics: The War Criminal

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=114143

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

TWC is developing his skills here, with quite an inventive scroll.  A simple single-pager, but well laid out.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Codex" By Alpha Design

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Alpha Design

Code: The War Criminal

Music: Link, Ozone

Graphics: The War Criminal

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=92993

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small BBS ad/demo by Alpha Design.  The intro was recycled by TWC on most of his releases.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Damage" By Alpha Design

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Alpha Design

Code: The Animal

Music: Rock

Graphics: Night Ranger

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=92992

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Alpha Design was sort of a "friend of a friend" group back in the day - I was in a group with one of their members.  This is a simple single-pager that also seems to serve as a BBS ad.  Awesome scene craptalk in that scroller.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Aphasia" By Electron

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken

Music: Dokken

Graphics: Dokken, Rage, Stablizer, The Anarchist

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=9610

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A long multi-pager by Dokken, the entire demo plays with perspective and has some of Dokken's trademark bizarre sprite movement in it.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Casino" By Electron

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, single-file)

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken

Music: Laxity, Link

Graphics: Dokken

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11750

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small single-filer by Dokken to advertise The Casino BBS.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"MAD - The Return" By Warped Minds, Inc.

Year: 1994

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: MAD

Code: Warped

Music: Deek, Matt Gray

Graphics: Warped

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=65203

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An interesting third-wave demo by a group I'd never heard of until tonight.  A few cool effects, and the second page has a distinctly Electron-ish feel to it in the way it builds the page up from a single scroller.  It would have been nice to see where this coder's skills went with some more time.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Fick Du" By Crionix

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Crionix

Code: Guardian

Music: Image

Graphics: The Barber

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=113393

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Two really interesting effects in this single-pager:  A pumping logo, and a reflected DYCP.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"Thanks+Spook" By Silicon Software Company

Year: 1995!

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Silicon Software Company (SSC)

Code: Firefoot

Music: Link, Warnock

Graphics: Warnock

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=93212

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A Third-wave release by SSC, could be considered a "nostalgia" release - 4 years after SSC members had all moved on to other things.  Warnock and Firefoot both have a clearly more polished style here.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Paragon" By Silicon Software Company

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: Silicon Software Company (SSC)

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Code: Daredevill, Firefoot

Music: Drax, JCH, Jeroen Tel, Link, Warnock

Graphics: Firefoot, Warnock

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=32262

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This is clearly a later work by SSC, more polished than "Winter Haven", and unfortunately not featuring Merlin, who had gone Amiga by this time.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Winter Haven" By Silicon Software Company

Year: Unknown (1988?)

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Silicon Software Company (SSC)

Code: Daredevil, Merlin

Graphics: Merlin

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=124539

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I actually did two pages for this demo back in the day, but didn't make it to the linking party.  Merlin's distinct style is clear in all of his pages, hints of good things to come.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, February 27, 2017

"Total Panic" By Apostasy

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)

Group: Apostasy

Code: Avenger

Music: EVS, LInk, Sabre, Source, Warnock

Graphics: Avenger, Vision

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=23321

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

More amazing work by Avenger.  One can only imagine what he's up to now.  This, I believe, was Apostasy's last demo before some of the members became Havok.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Phase One" By Havok

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)

Group: Havok

Code: Albatross, Avenger

Music: Sabre, Source

Graphics: The Anarchist, Vision

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=44542

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Phase One is pretty typical for 1991, but so neat and polished - it's one of the most professional-looking demos I've seen.  I'd rate it up there with something Unreal Productions would have done.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Summer Rain" By Evil

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: Evil

Type: Demo (multi-page, single-file)

Code: Wanderer

Music: Chris, Future Freak, Hayes, Henning Rokling

Graphics: Deaks, Wanderer

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An amazing array of cool routines.  Posted by request for Elwix.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

"Flipped" By Vortex

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Vortex

Code: Da Blinker, Daisyfarmer

Music: Drax, Jeroen Tel, Metal

Graphics: Da Blinker, Ice Coldkill, Daisyfarmer

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=22765

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Prior to forming "Dream" with The Phantom,  Daisyfarmer, Ice Coldkill, Axe Handle were in a group called "Vortex".  This is a clever 3 pager from Vortex, with an interesting twist on the demo name in page 2.  Rather enjoyable overall.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, February 20, 2017

"Impatient" By Impulse

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Impulse

Code: Eclipse

Music: Rock

Graphics: Eclipse

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=46726

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Impulse was a group Eclipse was in between ERI and Havok.  I know little else about it.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Telephone Anarchy" By Ministry Of Fear

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-page, single-file)

Group: Ministry of Fear

Code: Bountyhunter

Music: EVS, No Sync, Sequencer

Graphics: Bountyhunter

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=64507

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Who can ever forget the classic screen with the Canada Bell truck crashing into a tree?  This is the only actual demo I've ever seen from MOF.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Demo 1" By ERI

Year: 1987

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file/single-page)

Group: Electronic Reconnaissance Incorporated

Code: Eclipse

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=56872

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An EARLY release in the US scene, ERI was one of the first groups that was only about demos and tools, not about warez.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Ground Zero" By FBR

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (singlefile)

Group: FBR

Code: Changeling

Music: Robert Bonifacio, David Whittaker, Neil Baldwin, Jay Derrett

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=100837

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Ground Zero was AFAIK the last thing Changeling did for FBR before starting ABYSS.  Keep it Oldschool!

"It's Me Again" By The Last Dragon

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (singlefile)

Group: N/A

Code: The Last Dragon

Music: Drax, The Last Dragon, Zonix

Graphics: The Anarchist

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=15452

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

TLD's "return to the scene" demo - I've often wanted to track him down and ask him how his rap group worked out.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Our Own" By Style

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Style

Code: Elwix, Firefoot, Metal

Music: Chris, Rudolf Stember, Speed Demon

Graphics: Metal, Vision

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=4691

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An early release from Style, showing a hint of amazing things to come.  Keep it Oldschool!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Illusion "Bad Rasters" Intro

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Cracktro (Intro)

Group: Illusion

Code: Satan

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=12998

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A mid to late first-wave entry, this intro was briefly used by Illusion.  I think that sprite mover begs to be rewritten with DYSP.  Keep it Oldschool!

"State Of Mind" by Vile

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: BBS Ad (single-page demo)

Group: Vile

Code: Obliterator

Music: Guy Shavitt

Graphics: Obliterator? (Possibly ripped)

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=56541

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This is either an early or late release by Vile, I can't recall which, and CSDB doesn't have any more information.  There are some great effects here with the floppy disk image, check it out.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Preferred" by Vile

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Vile

Code: Codey

Music: Drax, Link, Metal, Reverb

Graphics: Codey, Game Gorilla, Spacie

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=56538

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I'm almost of the opinion that there were two groups called VILE.  There doesn't seem to be any member-crossover between this and "State of Mind".  In any event, I believe this represents some of Codey's earlier work.  Codey ( http://csdb.dk/scener/?id=2990 ) came into the scene in the later part of the second wave (1990/1991), and showed amazing talent right from the start.  This demo showcases his early work.  Keep it Oldschool!

Black Reign "Skulls" Intro

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Cracktro (Intro)

Group: Black Reign

Code:  Scrap

Music: Deek

Graphics: Scrap

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=64397

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A small and rather cleverly put together intro for the group, "Black Reign"  Keep it Oldschool!

"Disconnect" By Screaming Euphoria

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: Screaming Euphoria

Type: Demo (multi-page, multi-file)

Code: Dhalgren, Flatline, Matrix Runn

Music: Chris Huelsbeck ( https://chrishuelsbeck.bandcamp.com/ ), Future Freak, jay Derrett, Markus Schneider, Matt Gray, Speed Demon

Graphics: The Dream, Flatline

CSDB Link:  http://csdb.dk/release/?id=50583

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Screaming Euphoria was on my radar back in the day because Robin Hood was briefly a member.  However, I've never seen other releases from this group besides this farewell demo.  Well coded and fun to watch, SE's farewell release does them credit.  Note:  There is a bug in the version of this demo on CSDB that makes the transition from 5th page to 6th lock.  I used this as an opportunity to display the directory artwork.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Bencor Brothers Intro 2

Year: 1987?

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Intro

Group: Bencor Brothers

Code: Captain Kirk?

Intros.c64.org Link: http://intros.c64.org/main.php?module=showintro&iid=6582

CSDB Group Link: http://csdb.dk/group/?id=1957

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I originally saw this intro in the wild, looked for it for quite some time before finding it on intros.c64.org.  It seems that it wasn't spread very much before Bencor Brothers folded in late 1987.  There are others out there of similar quality, but they're not catalogged yet.  Keep it Oldschool!

Monday, February 13, 2017

"MXR" by Millenium

Year: 1996

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: Millenium

Code: Fungus

Music: Drax

Graphics: Fungus

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=22310

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This typifies what I like to call "Third wave NTSC"  The major groups had all come and gone, the games had dried up.  Most people had moved on to the PC.  But along came a community of dedicated enthusiasts, determined to unlock the final hidden secrets of the VIC and SID.   You see a return to some of the simpler single-man DIY productions that typified the early 80s.  This particular production marks the beginning of the career of one of the most well-known people in NTSC - Fungus.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Mind Demo" by The Mind Masters

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, 3 pages)

Group: The Mind Masters

Code: Grey Mouser, White Demon

Music: Laxity, Rock, Speed Demon

Graphics: Grey Mouser, White Demon

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=26638

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

If there was a "punk rock" category of C64 demos, TMM would be in it.  Gritty and raw, their work may not appeal to everyone, but it has an inner honesty that more polished productions lack.  I've always liked the second page of this one, it's a good candidate for extending into the borders and adding DYSP.  Keep it Oldschool!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

"Agony" By Unreal Productions

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (full-disk, multipart with irq loader - I call this a "dentro")

Group: Unreal Productions

Code: Streetkiller

Music: Jeroen Tel, Link, Sequencer

Graphics: Vision, Chaos, Slick!, Wizard of Odd

Loader: ANM

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=42058

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

After Apostasy stopped making demos, Vision went on to do graphics for Unreal Productions.  This demo represents one of the most polished productions ever to grace NTSC-land.  Later, Vision would re-unite with Avenger in the group, Havok, and Streetkiller would go on to code for Shade.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Fruity Pebbles" By Apostasy

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, two-page)

Group: Apostasy

Code: Avenger

Music: Louie, Source

Graphics: Vision

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=58841

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Tonight, we bring you two single-filers from a rather obscure group called Apostasy.  You may recognize the names from a more well known group, because Apostasy went on to become Havok.  These small two-man effort pages are from that brief time when they were looking to expand - but people with their level of talent never stayed solo long.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Animus" By Apostasy

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, single-page)

Group: Apostasy

Code: Avenger

Music: Izeyestop

Graphics: Vision

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=59816

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This was the first demo by the two-man team known as Apostasy, later absorbed into Havok.

Monday, February 6, 2017

"Happy" By Flea and Cybernoid

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: None.

Code: Flea

Music: Danko, EVS, JCH

Graphics: Cybernoid, Flea

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=100012

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A neat little multi-pager from 1991, this was an indy production by Flea and Cybernoid before joined Storm.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Jungle" by Electron

Year: 1991

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: Electron

Code: Dokken, The Gambler

Music: Crockett, Drax, JCH, Lizard, Markus Schneider, Metal

Graphics: Dokken, The Gambler

Charset: Dokken, The Gambler

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=11741

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This one really represents the turning point for Electron.  Every page is top-notch, with good effects, interesting logos, and music that fits the page.  The blue page is a monument to good design.  Every time I watch one of these old Electron demos, I'm blown away by Dokkens' skill and attention to detail.  Electron truly is the #1 NTSC demo group in my book.  Keep it Oldschool!

"Random Access" By Venom

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: Venom

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Code: Fury

Music: JCH, Future_Freak, Image, Schneider

Graphics: Fury

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=85623

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This early offering from Venom has some technical issues, but interesting rasters.  This is the only Venom demo done mostly by Fury, as far as I know.  Keep It Oldschool!

"Serenity" by The Survivors

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Group: The Survivors

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Code: Satan

Music: Gilles Soulet, Jeroen Tel, Mike

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=8652

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

A reasonably standard offering from Satan/Wanderer during his days in The Survivors.  The standout effect in this demo is the odd scroller on page 2.  Keep it Oldschool!

Friday, February 3, 2017

"Can't Touch This" By Arson

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single file, 2 pages)

Group: Arson

Code: Too Tall

Music: JCH, Matt Gray, Antony Crowther

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=8097

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An early Arson demo - sets the stage for things to come.  Nothing fancy,but good linking and engaging scrolltexts.  Keep It Oldschool!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

"Grand Posse" by Plague

Year: 1991

Platform: C64

Type: Demo (Whole disk with selector)

Group: Plague

Code: Metal

Music: Elton de Hoog, EVS, Griff, JCH, Speed Demon, TDM

Graphics: Lupin, Mike

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=17623

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Widely considered one of the best NTSC demos of all time, "Grand Posse" doesn't disappoint.  The graphics, the effects, the music, all come together in a smooth, nicely-build production that gives us around an hour of demo viewing time.  One wonders what Lupin and the crew could have produced had they stuck together as Plague.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"Zer0 Reality" by Revenge

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (singlefile, two-page)

Group: Revenge

Code: Bonestripper

Music: JCH, Link

Graphics: Digi-Haze

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=9470

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

This BBS Ad has exactly the smooth, polished look you'd expect from a 1992 production. Keep it Oldschool!

"Undead Again" by Carcass

Year: 2005

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (full disk)

Group: Carcass

Code: Necro

Music: Necro

Graphics: Necro

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=17762

Captured by: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Today we have a relatively new one from 2005!  This 3 pager by Necro has some really revolutionary routines in it, check out the video player in the last page.  Keep it Oldschool!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Darkness" by FOE

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, two-page)

Group: FOE

Code: The Phantom, Wrong Way

Music: EVS, Rock

Graphics: The Phantom, Wrong Way, Apollyon, Conan

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=27181

An early FOE release, you can see the beginning of Phantom's graphic style - I'm guessing that weird rasterbar on the first page was Wrong Way's work.  The big scroller on the second page is LOOOOOOOOONG.  Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

"Axis" by Havok

Year:  1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file)

Code: The Forgotten One

Music: Chris, Matt Gray, Rock

Graphics: The Anarchist, The Forgotten One

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=22754

Captured By: Oliver VieBrooks

I've always rather liked this one, it sums up what NTSC demos were in 1990 rather nicely - DYCPs, split rasters, big scrollers...

Keep it Oldschool!

"Wicked" by Havok

Year: 1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file)

Code: Eclipse

Music: EVS

Graphics: Eclipse

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=44530

Captured By: Oliver VieBrooks

I always like blow-through effects like the one on the logo here with the sinus behind it. Nice multipager from Havok, but not their best.

Keep it Oldschool!

"Shitty" by Havok

Year:  1989

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file)

Code: The Instigist

Music: JCH

Graphics: The Instigist, Tyrant

CSDB Link: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=44538

Captured By: Oliver VieBrooks

The title says it all.  Nice early attempt at split rasters.

Keep it Oldschool!