Monday, June 26, 2017

"Tubular Bells" By Clever Music

Year: 1985
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo/Toy
Group: N/A
Code: Unknown
Music: Bob Hartshorne
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Another in the same vein as "Swinth", Tubular Bells was one of those demos that seemed to be on every other floppy. Keep It Oldschool!

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Year: 1985
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Wild (hybrid demo made by combining other productions)
Group: N/A
Code: Glen E. Bredon, Jim Winings, Carl A. Meahl Jr.
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Based on two earlier productions, "Swish" and "Synth Sample", this spread like wildfire in the mid-80s disk swapping scene. It was on a disk with "Hawaii Movie" and a number of other early classics - some of you may have picked up on that theme for the past few weeks :) Many of us old-timers have fond memories of those days, when every disk was a potential treasure chest of gems like this.
Keep it Oldschool!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Year: Unknown
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Simulation
Group: N/A
Code: Unknown
Graphics: Unknown
Music: N/A
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
Of unknown origin and vintage (the BASIC listing gives no clues), this is a simple simulation of an aquarium, complete with plants and a goldfish.
Yes. I recorded an hour an a half of this.
Keep It Oldschool!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

"Barbaric" By Hal

Year: 1987
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (single-file)
Group: N/A
Code: Hal (Not "Ron")
Music: Rob Hubbard (Not "Ron Smith")
Graphics: Ste Pickford
CSDB Link (original version):
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
This demo was distributed in the US in hacked form, with the original author's credits removed. As that's the version I remember, that's the version I vidcapped. Who "Ron Smith" was is lost in history. The demo is actually by Hal, who did a few demos centered around this effect. The music, of course, is "Knucklebusters" by the almighty Rob Hubbard, and is one of the best tunes to ever grace the 64. I used to watch this demo for hours at a time, it's just that awesome. Keep it Oldschool!

"Silicate Omen" By The Wanted

Year: 1991
Platform: Commodore 64
Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)
Group: The Wanted
Code: D.Rez, Megahurtz
Music: JCH, Link
Graphics: Biohazard
CSDB Link:
Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)
An interesting piece from The Wanted, a group out of Canada that I'd actually never heard of until I started capping these demos. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of their catalog. Keep It Oldschool!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

"Hawaii Movie"

The origins of this PETSCII masterpiece are unknown.  The BASIC listing doesn't give any insight.  I first remember seeing it on a swap disk on the C64 in the winter of 1983 or 1984.  Some say it started out as a demo on the Commodore PET.  In any event, it's a cute, quirky little production, only takes a few minutes to watch, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have over the years.  Keep It Oldschool!

"At the Beach" By Canadian Pirating Federation

Year: 1988

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group: Canadian Pirating Federation

Code: Satan

Music: Demon, Matt Gray, The Sad Sausage

CSDB Link:

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

An early entry from Wanderer/Satan - could this be his original group?  The scrolltext suggests they're all locals.  An interesting look into the early days of one of the more prolific coders in the old scene.  Keep it Oldschool!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"Show 'Em What Ya Got" Co-op by Forces of Evil and Arson

Year: 1990

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (single-file, multi-page)

Group(s): Forces of Evil, Arson

Code: Elwix, The Phantom, Tiamat, Wrong Way

Music: Brandis, Drax, Henning Rokling, JCH, Jess

Graphics: Manfred Trenz, Omega Factor, The Phantom

CSDB Link:

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

I always liked co-ops, and this is no exception.  There are some creative routines in here (that twist-scroller for instance) that were way ahead of their time.  All in all a really nice watch, with some interesting group history from Tiamat in his upscrollers.  Keep It Oldschool!

Monday, June 5, 2017

"Grimoire" By Armageddon

Year: 1992

Platform: Commodore 64

Type: Demo (multi-file, multi-page)

Group: Armageddon

Code: D Cipher, Destiny, Stonefish

Music: Deek, Griff, Jeroen Tel, Sabre

Graphics: D Cipher, Groo, Stonefish, Topper

CSDB Link:

Captured By: Six/DLoC (Oliver VieBrooks)

Coming right after the merger, the obvious point of this demo was to use up all of the remaining "Grimoire" graphics they had laying around.  A nice production, but the dir listing leaves one wondering what happened to part #4. Keep it Oldschool!